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Top 5 Reasons to Buy a Norden Hay Accumulator

Top 5 Reasons to Buy a Norden Hay Accumulator

Efficiency Less Labor Versatility Simplicity Service Efficiency The Norden Accumulator System is designed to be so efficient that one person can easily move hundreds of bales in a single day. If you use the system to fill your storage, the Grabbers and Tie-Grabbers...
Norden’s Story

Norden’s Story

Norden Mfg began with Kenny Kuhns’ honest need for simple and sustainable farming equipment. Growing up, he would stack countless bales of hay onto wagons and into barns while working on a dairy farm in Illinois. At a very young age, he discovered a passion for...
Start Planning Your Spring Food Plots Now

Start Planning Your Spring Food Plots Now

It is hard to think about whitetails and not think about getting your food plots rolling again. What will you plant? Will you start any new food plots this year? What has worked best on your property in the past? These are all questions you should think about before...